Soft Bee

React Native: Our Choice and Its Advantages

July 06, 2023

You know that feeling when you look back and don’t regret anything? This is about React Native.

Here is why:


#ReactNative offers #crossplatform functionality, allowing code to run natively on both #Android and #iOS devices. With React Native, we have found that a significant percentage of #code (90-100%) can be shared across platforms, with only a small percentage being platform-specific files, such as .android.js/.ios.js.

Unified Design Language System

Using a unified #design language system has allowed us to have consistent component names, screen designs, and other elements across multiple platforms, including Android, iOS, React Native, and web versions of every component. This consistency has enabled us to write cross-platform features easily.


The #React framework is the most-loved web framework for many reasons, such as its simplicity, power, and scalability to large codebases. Its #components, simplified lifecycles, and declarative nature are among its most notable benefits.


Contrary to popular belief, moving business logic and layout off the main thread can improve render #performance on #mobiledevices.

In cases where performance issues do occur, they are usually due to excessive rendering, which can be addressed through the effective use of shouldComponentUpdate, removeClippedSubviews, and better use of Redux.


Additionally, the React Native Animated library allows for jank-free #animations, including scrolling parallax and interaction-driven animations.

Open Source Support

React Native leverages the vast array of #javascript projects, including #redux, #reselect, #jest, and others, due to its ability to truly run React and javascript.

As a result, developers can take advantage of these open-source projects to create more robust applications.

That’s why we love React Native and going to keep growing opportunities with.