Trovr and Trovr-Merchant applications incentivize eco-friendly behavior by rewarding users for recycling glass, plastic, and aluminum bottles. Earned bonus points can be redeemed for vouchers from popular brands.
React Native
Adobe Create Suite
We needed to automate large auto goods retailer's business processes: customer communication, order collection and logistics, delivery, and up-selling.
We need to develop a mobile app that allows vehicle owners to share their scooters or bicycles with others and earn money, while also providing customers with an affordable means of transportation.
Provide the ability for Patients to conduct an online appointment with a Doctor. Allow Patients to pay online for appointments and orders. Provide the ability for Pharmacies to manage orders.
With GapNurse medical facilities know they’re covered during critical times, especially while coping with COVID-19. At the same time it won't break your budget.
For a European car wash company, we enhanced their website with automated order functionality, 3D visualization for car wash projects, bug fixes, and improved PDF order generation.
Mobile and web apps enabling remote doctor-patient interactions, including video/text/voice communication, document uploads, test requests, medication purchases, and scheduling. Features include synchronized web and mobile apps, video conferencing, messaging, file uploading, push notifications, and a structured database.
Mobile app streamlining the search for doctors and clinics in New York. Features include insurance coverage verification, specialist recommendations, ratings, appointment booking, notifications, and feedback system integration.
PlumBid: Real-time auction platform for property sales. Empowers users to fine-tune deals, and prioritize terms. Transparent, flexible, automated solution for fast real estate transactions.
CRM affiliate program: Mobile apps for handling accounting and sales of building products, engaging partners. Features include user roles, 3D/2D visualization, location-based services, map integration, chat support, calendar booking, payment integration, and a complex database.