CRM affiliate program: Mobile apps for handling accounting and sales of building products, engaging partners. Features include user roles, 3D/2D visualization, location-based services, map integration, chat support, calendar booking, payment integration, and a complex database.
We were should create a software product as a CRM affiliate program. Its main features are to handle accounting and sales of innovative building products and to engage more partners for sales as well.
The simple and functional application allows the customer to interact with 4 more user roles:
There was implemented a huge scope of work on the reusable use of screens for different types of users, which made it possible to optimize the development process. The functionality was finely tailored to non-standard manufacturing, sales, and usage processes. All partners have the opportunity to keep tabs on income and expenses and other financial transactions. The affiliate program itself can also act as a sales store, where the buyer can select a product for purchase. For buyers, there is 3D content in which the buyer, can select and view a product from all sides in 3D format. Since the product is sold in many countries, it is possible to see the location of the product, the contractors, and the customer's location on Google Maps.
Mobile Apps - for both IOS & Android with: